

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Vanda has become one of the privileged of the orchid world. . The foliage royally symmetrical and sculptural, offers the perfect setting for the compact, upright peak, which is densely series with richly colored, 2-inch flowers. Moreover, the spectacle of a peak can last eight weeks or more, and vigorous plants, if properly fertilized, can be expected to bloom twice a year.

Temperature: By day, the ideal temperature is 75-85 degrees F., while at night, the ideal temperature is 65-75 degrees F. Occasional extreme temperatures are tolerated by prolonged exposure.

Light: Vandas and their families require a good amount of light. They are in full sun in the morning, but will require the shade on 11am-3pm; Less will be needed shade in the late afternoon. Their leaves should be a light green, dark green color indicates too little sun.

Water: Basically, Vandas grow best when their soil is dry on average between watering. These plants are epiphytes in nature (ie growing at the top of the trees), and are used for drying wet between their natural habitat.

Repott: Vandas should not be repotted unless the plant exceeded the pot (every 2 or 3 years) or when the soil medium is beginning to deteriorate. Or when the mixture became sour, does not drain quickly and it is invaded by snow or green mold shows mold on the surface. A big medium such as medium-grade Fir bark or coarse-grade Fir bark work well.

Food: High nitrogen fertilizers (25-9-9) can be used throughout the year at a teaspoon per gallon of water. Feed once a month


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